Tile Care and Maintenance to Stay Beautiful

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tile is a tough and low maintenance surface used on floors, walls, and ceilings. Here is a few good tips to keep them in good condition always.
      1.      Natural stone is a porous material so it must be sealed. Hand-made tile and crackle finish tile must also be sealed.
      2.      Plan to reseal at least once a year
      3.      Avoid using crackle tile or clay based tile in showers and other wet areas. These types of tile are meant for dry areas and away from moisture.
      4.      Clean with water and mild detergent and avoid using bleach or acid based cleaners.
      5.      After you shower use the hand shower and clean the soap suds around the shower area.
      6.      Running the exhaust fan an extra ten minutes after a shower will reduce mildew build-up.
These quick tips will maintain your tile in mint condition!


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